Fuckery We Missed: Meet The Family That Pole Dances Together!!! (7/18/2018)

Pole Dancing Family!!!

Excerpt From Article:

‘I was pole dancing when I was pregnant with both of the girls and I think that when they were born they felt that they were already a part of that art,’ she says. But Lindsey isn’t the only pole dancer in the family. Her partner, Jake Night, also dances and together, they’re teaching their three children to twirl like the best of them. They’ve got a pole set up in their living room; the couple’s 11-year-old son Aiden practices every day after school.

‘We pole dance every day if not more, I dance at work obviously, then the kids dance when I’m not here and they also dance when I’m here,’ Lindsey says.

Do you know how hard it is to do things together as a family and get 100% participation especially from your kids??? Today kids would rather be glued to their technology, speaking of technology lets hope that some of Aiden’s classmates dont get bored and start searching for info on Aiden because if they find this article we can only imagine how much backlash he will receive, it maybe so bad he may quit poling!


By @humanf_uckery

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