Fuckery We Missed: Woman Beats Man With His Prosthetic Leg When He Wants To Break Up!!! (4/16/2019)

Woman Beats Her Ex Boyfriend With His Prosthetic Leg!!!

Excerpt From Article:

Capt. Jason Rivarde said the two began drinking on Feb. 11 when at some point the victim told Jackson he wanted to date someone else.

The man later went to sleep but woke up early the next morning with a large cut on his head and was dripping with blood. His hand was also injured, Rivarde said.

Jackson told a relative that she took the victim’s prosthetic leg and beat him with it. Jackson also admitted to stabbing the man, although he did not have any stab wounds, Rivarde said.

This one legged man must have been destroying this woman’s box for her to react in such manner!! Jeez…


By @humanf_uckery

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