Today’s HumanFuckery: Man Angered By Roommates Dogs Shitting On Floor!! Takes Aggression Out By Beating Dogs With Broomstick And Shooting Them With B.B. Gun!!(3/27/2017)

Owner Beats And Shoots Dogs With B.B. Gun

The fucked up thing about this incident of fuckery was that these dogs weren’t even his to be putting his hands on! This man could of just been a good roommate and picked the shit up or kept it moving and left it for the dog owner to deal with (which really isn’t a good option in my opinion). Glad to hear that these dogs are going to survive this attack!!

Today’s HumanFuckery: Volleyball Coach Arrested After Sending Lewd Text To 13 Year Old Girl!! (3/27/2017)

Text Filled With Sexual Innuendo

Apparently, this fuck boy thought his actions were ok! Your 21, go hit on people your own damn age!! Go to a bar and talk lewdly to people your own age, you maybe surprised on what may happen! After this incident of fuckery a simple google search of this man’s name will produce this story which should result in ladies wanting nothing to do with this pedophile.

Today’s HumanFuckery: Was This Officers Actions Just? (3/26/2017)

Who’s willing to bet that nothing will happen to this officer! The fuckery pops off at about the 10 minute mark!

Today’s HumanFuckery: 9 Year Old Boy Finds Mom’s Gun In Purse, Shoots Himself In The Hand!! (3/26/2017)

9 Year Old Finds Mom’s Gun

P.S.A from Please if you’re a gun owner with kids… Be aware of where the fuck you put your firearm.. In this case we should all be thankful that this child wasn’t killed!!

Today’s HumanFuckery: 2 Girls Shot In Alabama!!!!Water Balloon Fight During Senior Skip Day Turns Into Shoot Out!!! (3/26/2017)

Shooting During Senior Skip Day

Someone started shooting because during the water balloon fight someone decided to start throwing eggs instead… We can only guess that someone had a vendetta against a person there and they wanted to settle the score with egging said person. Who ever got egged obviously wasn’t playing that shit that day and said fuck it I’m start shootin!!

Today’s HumanFuckery: Sex Case In Italy Dropped Because Victim “Did Not Scream”!!! (3/26/2017)

Victim Is Now Facing Slander Charges

The article states that this woman said “enough” to try and thwart this attack.. The thing the courts should of considered is that when some people face trauma like this they may think they are screaming or attempt to but they just cant because they are so distraught. This woman was an alleged victim of sexual abuse from her father so her actions during this assault probably correlates with this incident!!!

Today’s HumanFuckery: Air From Adele’s Concert For Sale On Ebay!! (3/25/2017)

Air From Adele’s Concert For Sale

You gotta love how the bag is labeled as “legit”!! This fuckery speaks for itself!!!

see also: Harambe Cheeto On Ebay

see also:Kiss Air Guitar Strings

Today’s HumanFuckery: Man Facing Charges After Eating Pancakes In Middle Of Street!(3/25/2017)

911 Calls For This Act Of Fuckery

We can be certain that this act of fuckery was solely done for views and likes!!! Check the link above to hear some of the 911 calls on this act of fuckery!

911 Calls For This Act Of Fuckery

We can be certain that this act of fuckery was solely done for views and likes!!! Check the link above to hear some of the 911 calls on this act of fuckery!

Today’s HumanFuckery: Florida Couple Overdose With Toddlers In The Car!!! (3/25/2017)

Couple Overdose In Car

If any of you out there is battling addiction, please go seek some help! We at hate stories like this because these two are endangering their selves and others with their addiction. Their addiction also is going to lead them to potentially losing their children, all because they are fucked up on drugs! If your continuing to lose in life because of your addiction, go attempt to seek help before it is too late!!!

see also:Heroin Boy Saved!!

Today’s HumanFuckery: Mom Beat Daughter Over Incorrect Bible Verses!! (3/25/2017)

Beat Over Incorrect Bible Verses

This zealot needs to chill.. This mother probably just beat all of her daughter’s feelings on god out of her! Also, if this mother was such a bible scholar she should know that only one person in the world was perfect, what makes you think your daughter should be firing off scriptures without flaws..

(Update 10/29/2017) This Woman Received 2 1/2 to 5 years In State Prison For This Assault!

see also:Priest And Son Charged With Beating 12 Year Old Boy