Today’s HumanFuckery: 2 Florida Women Accused Of Illegally Performing Butt Enhancements!!!(1/18/2020)

2 Florida Women Arrested For Preforming Illegal Butt Injections!!

Here we go again with this fuckery!! Man it’s simply amazing what some of you women will do to obtain what is so called “beauty”… We get it, these illegal doctors who preform these procedures are a lot cheaper than going the legit route but these assclowns aren’t licensed doctors and most of these so called “doctors” have botched these procedures which ended in some women dying (view the see also below)!!

see also:Woman Arrested For Fatally Botching Mom’s Butt Injection!!!

see also:Fake Doctor Finally Arrested In Fatal Butt Injection!!!

see also:Fake Doctor’s Butt Enlargement Procedure Nearly Kills Woman In Florida!!!

see also:2 Butt Injection Horror Stories!!!

By @humanf_uckery

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