Today’s HumanFuckery: Coming Soon To Arkansas!! World Champion Squirrel Cook Off!!! (9/11/2017)

Arkansas Squirrel Cook OFF

Excerpt From Article:
Northwest Arkansas has grown a bit hoity toity of late, what with its cultural arts events, a world-class museum and the like.

So thinks Joe Wilson

“Northwest Arkansas is getting to outgrow its britches,” he told me last week.

Wilson, of Bentonville, Arkansas, has the perfect antidote, too, a reminder of the region’s more humble roots.

I guarantee if you polled random people where a squirrel cook off would be held, I guarantee that 100% of the guesses would be states from the south!!! If your intrigued to know more about this event feel free to visit

see also:Man Cooks Squirrel With A Blowtorch Indoors!!! Man Ends Up Causing $300k In Fire Damage!!

By @humanf_uckery

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