Today’s HumanFuckery: DWI Suspect Failed Attempt To Avoid Being In The Newspaper (1/4/2017)

Failed Attempt To Hide DWI Arrest

Those of you out there who haven’t been arrested before in your life, this experience can be humiliating, especially if you live in a small town. In a small town the police reports that newspapers run are almost on par with the New York Post Page 6, it is the gossip page for that community! So with that being said, I understand why this man attempted to do this. I’m willing to bet that he came up with this idea when he was still drunk and it probably sounded great but he forgot to factor in that the police reports also are posted online. We at wish him all the best in court, we also want to offer up this tidbit of advice, don’t skimp on a cheap lawyer!

By @humanf_uckery

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