Today’s HumanFuckery: Florida Subway Employee Fires Shots In Dispute Over Wrap!! (12/18/2019)

Shots Fired Over Subway Wrap!!

Excerpt From Article:

According to Palm Beach County sheriff’s investigators, Destin Garcia, 18, and a co-worker were at the Subway inside the Palm Springs, Florida, Walmart on Black Friday. Because of the crush, the Subway employees were allowed to make themselves a free sandwich — but the co-worker made a wrap, which was not allowed.

That angered Garcia, investigators say, and he told the co-worker she would have to pay the difference between the cost of the sandwich and the wrap — about a dollar. She walked away.

Authorities say Garcia drove to the co-worker’s home the next morning, where the co-worker’s mom told him to leave. Investigators say Garcia pushed the woman, causing her husband to come outside. The couple told investigators that Garcia pulled a handgun, told them “Do you think it’s a game?” and fired two shots near the woman’s feet, causing fragments of the blacktop to strike her.

You gotta love that one employee who acts like they’re your boss when your both just regular ass employees with the same amount of power at the job, mind you fucking business bro, you act like you’ve never made some food for yourself and never paid for it.. DUMBFUCK!!

By @humanf_uckery

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