Today’s HumanFuckery: Fruitarian Man Swears By Drinking Pint Of Old Piss Each Day To Feel “Amazing”!!(3/4/2019)

Man Drinks His Own Piss Daily To Feel “Amazing”!!

Excerpt From Article:

For the past three years the 37 year-old interior designer has been gulping down on a rather unusual concoction.

Having read up about the so-called health benefits of urine, Fabian, from Sheffield, now happily drinks a pint of his own “product” every day.

Fabian began researching alternative therapies back in 2013 after continuously suffering from stomach pains which doctors had not been able to diagnose or treat successfully.

“I was travelling a lot for work and eating junk food – Burger King, McDonald’s, anything convenient,” Fabian says.

With no cure or explanation in sight, Fabian decided to adopt a more holistic diet and commenced a “fruitarian” diet (where you only eat raw fruit) and says he noticed a difference almost immediately.

As part of his research, Fabian then stumbled across information about drinking urine.

“I’ve always been open-minded about that sort of thing, so I decided to give it a go and drink it fresh.

This story has me curious to know what possible benefits one could gain from drinking their own piss so I did a quick google search of the term “drinking your own urine benefits” and it produced these results:

If this man believes his own piss is making him feel amazing daily more power to him…but.. honestly this fuckery is pretty gross to say the least!

By @humanf_uckery

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