Today’s HumanFuckery: Grandfather Arrested After Throwing Xbox Console At Juvenile!! (4/23/2019)

Xbox To The Face!!

Excerpt From Article:

According to authorities, several family members were inside the home when a small child became unclothed, resulting in an argument between Adam Goodman and the rest of the family. A juvenile family member told Goodman her great grandfather was putting a diaper on the child.

Goodman allegedly picked up the Xbox and was walking out of the room when the juvenile made a comment threatening to call her mother on him. Authorities said he then turned around and threw the console at her, hitting her in the face. The impact busted her lip.

The real question that needs to be answered is if the Xbox still works, if not grandpa needs to pay up!!

see also:Nashville Man Body Slams Woman Because She Unplugged His PlayStation!!

By @humanf_uckery

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