Today’s HumanFuckery: Idaho Teacher Feeds Puppy To Turtle In Front Of Students!! (3/13/2018)

Teacher Feeds Puppy To Snapping Turtle In Front Of Students!!!

Excerpt From Article:

It’s unclear if the dog was alive or dead when Crosland fed it to the turtle and although it happened after school hours, some students did witness the feeding. Administrators began investigating the incident immediately, according to Gee, and the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office was contacted. Crosland has not been cited or charged and has not been placed on leave, Gee said.

Bet this puppy was alive… Nothing much to say about this fuckery, this fuckery speaks for itself!!

(UPDATE 6/3/2018): Teacher Charged With Misdemeanour Animal Cruelty4859

(UPDATE 1/5/2019):This Teach Was Found Not Guilty!!

By @humanf_uckery

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