Today’s HumanFuckery: Indiana Man Killed Doctor After Dispute Over Opioid Prescription!! (7/31/2017)

Doctor Fatally Shot In Head For Not Prescribing Patients’ Wife Pills

Excerpt from article:

After a brief argument in the parking lot, Michael Jarvis told two witnesses to leave the scene before shooting Graham twice in the head.

Jarvis then drove away in a red Dodge Neon to a friend’s home at the corner of Dragoon Trail and Valley Trail, about three miles away, and “gave them indication that he was not going to be around,” Cotter said.

It sounds like this man was using his wife’s “pain” to score pills for HIS addiction! We at would like to send this doctor’s family and friends our condolences. It is very unfortunate that someone killed this man for nothing, this doctor was just trying to do his job ethically!

By @humanf_uckery

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