Today’s HumanFuckery: Trust Fall Gone Wrong!!!! Diplomat Plunges 5 Stories to His Death During!!! (11/16/2017)

Trust Fall Gone Wrong!!

Excerpt From Article:

Simpson and a number of other people were on the roof of the building to look at the Empire State Building, which was lit up in rainbow colors in recognition of a survey that found most Australians support marriage equality, when Simpson swung a woman around, angering her husband, according to police.

Simpson later offered to prove his trustworthiness to the man by playing a game of “trust fall” on an apartment terrace. He went to a ledge and leaned back, but as he grabbed for the man’s hand, he slipped and fell to a second-floor landing, police said.

We at would like to send our condolences to this man’s family and friends, we are sorry for your loss!!

By @humanf_uckery

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