Today’s HumanFuckery: Wisconsin Father Charged With Baby’s Death From Too Hot Bath!! (11/13/2017)

Baby Dies After Being Placed In Bath That Was Too Hot!!!

Excerpt From Article:

Henderson learned that he is the biological father of the child about a month ago. The mother and Henderson agreed he would care for the child for a portion of every week.

Henderson was watching his daughter Nov. 2 when he decided to give her a bath. He filled the baby tub with water from the tap. As it filled, he left the room to answer a call on his cellphone. He returned and turned off the tap.

Henderson placed his daughter in the baby tub and then left the bathroom because, he said, he “had the wrong bag.” He said he was gone from the bathroom for about a minute and a half. Henderson returned to find the baby crying so he picked her up out of the water. He said her skin was “raw” on her feet and legs.

The child had severe burns on 30% to 35% of her body from her midsection to her toes. The shock of the burn caused the infant’s blood pressure to drop suddenly, resulting in damage to her brain and ultimate brain death

This fuckery is unbelievable… You mean to tell me that this “father” had no clue to test this water with his hand to gauge the temp?? What an idiot!!! We at would like to send our condolences to the ones who loved this poor child!!!

By @humanf_uckery

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